All these ladies love the America Sews television show and many of them had seen the Pledge drive early Saturday morning and had called in to pledge their support for sewing shows on AETN, the Arkansas Public Television Station.

We went straight to the Fairview School in West Plains where Viv, owner of the Sewing Connection, the Husqvarna Viking dealer in West Plains, and her people were setting up. When we entered the gymnasium, the tables and chairs went all the way from the front to the back of the gym—from basket to basket! Everyone including some “youngsters”, there with mom or grandma, pitched in to move the tables together and close to the front so it would be more “cozy” and people could see and touch the samples. Herb does a great job with the video camera so people can understand the demonstration, but people really like to touch the real thing!
The next morning it was still raining and there was flooding all over the area. Several people were unable to get out of their roads to come but over 80 prevailed and came out for the day. Some came later in the day as they were able to get out.

Jared is really excited about the new top-of-the-line Husqvarna Viking. He shared the upgrade/exchange program on the Designer SE with several of the people. Be sure to visit your

I mentioned those helpful “youngsters”. They moved tables, helped us set up and sat at the registration table in the morning welcoming the people. We really appreciated their help and enthusiasm for this event. In return, during the last break, they sold drinks and homemade “goodies” to raise money for their traveling baseball team! What fun!

At the end of the day, the technique demonstration stitching I have sewn during the program needs to be ripped out so the fabric is ready to demonstrate in the next program. The ladies are so impressed that Herb knows how to rip out stitches and immediately plan to go home and teach their husband this technique! Not only is he my CEO (carry everything out) but he is also my REO (rip everything out)!
It was an unbelievable day! Pouring rain and flooding in the early morning, snowing mid morning and when we went out of the building at 5pm, the sun was shining!
The next morning, we visited an antique store in West Plains. We found more vintage linens including some projects you’ll be seeing on America Sews that feature embroidery. I’m so anxious to show you on the new Husqvarna Viking top-of-the-line!! We would have loved to go visit our new grandbaby in California, but she is so small she is not receiving visitors yet so we drove to the city of Branson, Missouri.
All the rivers were very high and there was water on some roads, but the sun was shining and the fruit trees were in bloom! Spring was in the air!

We enjoyed seeing the sights of Branson and went to a couple of shows. I think I most enjoyed the Roy Rogers and Dale Evans show and museum and visiting with their son Dusty. My sister and I watched their tv show (in black and white of course) in the 50s! Wow, this sure took me back. I had met Dale on two occasions at Christian Women’s Club events in the Chicago area in the 80's and had enjoyed her program very much.
Here is a wax “Roy” with stuffed Trigger, Nellybelle, Trigger Jr. and dog Bullet.
With the weight limits for luggage at 50 pounds, we had to stop at the UPS store before heading to the Little Rock airport. (Actually we had stopped at UPS once before on this trip!) The quilt was only $20 because it has a big hole in it, but I’m going to use it in a sewing vignette up high in our living room so no one will know. The little dress is on a chicken wire dress form probably made by a proud grandpa a long time ago.

People ask how do you travel and do your job. My laptop goes with me everywhere and I can find an electrical outlet in any airport. The Little Rock airport even had a table and chair to make it so much easier to type this blog!

Next week, I’m traveling to Pennsylvania for the Martha Pullen Extravaganza! We will be sewing for four days hands on with the Husqvarna Viking Designer SE Limited Edition and Husqvarna Viking Huskylock 936 serger. Husqvarna Viking Educators licensed by Martha Pullen to teach her techniques, Peggy Dilbone, Jody Hooker, Connie Palmer, and Deb Yedziniak will be teaching! More on this event next week!
Until Next time,
Happy Sewing!